Pennzoil Multi Purpose Lithium Grease 705 is a lithium base grease contains rust and corrosion inhibtors and whitening agents which allows ready differeniialion from other products and easy detection of contaminants. The off-white color makes it idealfor use n those applications where potenlial product spoilage may result from the use ofdarkgrease. The solid additive, which imparts the coloralso affords m d extreme pressure protection.
- Used in industa bal and roler beanngs where NLGI #2 lithum lrease wiih mld EP is required
- Excellent lubricant for wheel bearing on passenger cars, trucks, motorcycles, and boat trailers equipped with conventiional brakes for vehicles equipped with disc brakes
- Cream - white color permits quick discovery of contaminants
- Minimum change inconsistency
- Saves on inventory investment because it covers a wide range of applications
- Good pump ability allows use though centralized systems
- Prevent rust and corrosion
- USDA H-listed